Must known Microsoft SharePoint 2007 Best Practices and needs to be adopted in production server to get the optimal performance. Consolidated based on experience

1. Run IIS version 7.0 on 64-bit servers

 Memory and CPU are common performance optimization factors for SharePoint Server. Using 64-bit hardware increases the amount of usable memory, which helps to maintain a healthy system state for worker processes.

 2. Use a front-end and back-end NIC configuration for IIS

During peak load times, as many people access SharePoint sites, the NIC traffic increases. Using dedicated NICs for connections to the SQL Server back end and the clients provides better load distribution. Using dedicated NICs also provides more-accurate statistics and helps with troubleshooting traffic congestion issues by segregating the front-end and back-end traffic.

3.  Load balance client traffic

The SharePoint Operations team uses NLB for balancing client traffic. It is a best practice to load balance incoming traffic for optimal user experience and server utilization.

 4. Use IIS compression for static content

The SharePoint Operations team ensures that static compression is enabled to conserve traffic and server resources.

 5. Enable caching

Page output caching on front-end servers reduces CPU utilization on front-end servers by storing compiled ASP.NET pages in RAM. Enabling this setting resulted in performance gains for the SharePoint Operations team. BLOB caching helps to relieve load on back-end servers by caching static content and not accessing databases when it is requested.

  6. Limit database size to enhance manageability

When databases grow, they can become less manageable for backup and restore operations.

 7.  Allocate storage for versioning and the recycle bin

When designing the environment, an organization should consider business needs, such as versioning, and ensure that adequate disk space and I/O are available to accommodate them.

 8. Use quota templates to manage storage

Microsoft IT uses standardized configuration templates in all possible and practical scenarios, including quotas. Using quota templates helps preserve a standard environment, which reduces administrative overhead.

 9.  Manage large lists for performance

Having large lists by itself is not necessarily a performance issue. When SharePoint Server renders the many items in those lists, that can cause spikes in render times and database blocking. One way to mitigate large lists is to use subfolders and create a hierarchical structure where each folder or subfolder has no more than 3,000 items.

 10. Separate and prioritize data among disks and create disk groups for specific data

Because available disk I/O throughput is so important for optimal SQL Server performance, identifying the read/write patterns of services and dedicating SAN LUNs to them results in better performance than using many service types with the same disk group. The SharePoint Operations team takes this idea a step farther and uses dedicated partitions for data.

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