If you want to update the SharePoint service pack then it is necessary to find out the running MOSS version.  If you want to upgrade the SharePoint portal then your portal should be installed with SharePoint SP2.   Below steps can be use to find the version

  1. Login to SharePoint portal using administrative account
  2. Go to site setting screen using SiteActions-> Site Settings -> Modify All Site Settings   You can find the version as shown below screen shot
MOSS Portal version

MOSS Portal version

If you want to run the preupgradecheck command on 2007 form you need to be sure form is running on sp2 or later (version 12.0.6421 == 2007 SP2)

If you want to upgrade the form to latest version then download the latest version here.

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sharepoint 2007 version 642112 0 6421sharepoint 6421